Metal Nanomaterials and Catalysis Research Group Center for Materials Chemistry (CMC) |
担任职务: 西安交通大学前沿科学技术研究院材料化学研究中心研究小组教授 金属纳米材料及催化研究小组 联系方式: 西安交通大学前沿科学技术研究院,西安市雁翔路99号,710054,陕西 电话:+86-29-83395365 电子邮件:jinm@mail.xjtu.edu.cn 背景资料: 金明尚博士于2012年获得厦门大学理学博士学位,师从谢兆雄教授,论文题目是"Controlled synthesis of metal nanocrystals and their related catalytic properties"。金博士曾于2009年10月至2011年10月获得国家留学基金委的资助公派至美国华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校的夏幼南老师课题组进行联合培养。在博士期间,共发表论文21篇,其中10余篇发表在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、ACS Nano、Energy Environ. Sci.、Nano Lett.等国际著名刊物上。SCI引用1200余次,H-index为18。研究兴趣是金属纳米材料的结构调控和功能化研究,主要包括过渡金属纳米颗粒的结构调控、催化性能研究、多金属复合结构制备等。 研究内容: ◆ 纳米材料的多尺度复合。 ◆ 结构化纳米材料。 ◆ 纳米催化剂。 ◆ 纳米材料的生物应用。 ◆ 新型能源材料。 代表论文:
1.Jin, M.; Zhang, H.; Wang, J.; Zhong, X.; Xie, Z.; Kim, M.; Li, Z.; and Xia, Y. “Seeded Growth of Cu on Pd Nanocrystals: Epitaxial Growth of Core-Shell Nanostructures with Large Lattice Mismatch”, ACS Nano 2012, 6, 2566-2573.
2.Jin, M.; Zhang, H.; Xie, Z.; and Xia, Y. “Palladium Nanocrystals Enclosed by {100} and {111} Facets with Controlled Proportions and Their Catalytic Activities for Formic Acid Oxidation”, Energy Environ. Sci. 2012, 5, 6352-6357.
3. Jin, M.; He, G.; Zhang, H.; Zeng, J.; Xie, Z.; and Xia, Y. “Shape-Controlled Synthesis ofCopper Nanocrystals in an Aqueous Solution with Glucose as a Reducing Agent and Hexadecylamine as a Capping Agent”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 10560-10564.
4.Jin, M.; Zhang, H.; Xie, Z.; and Xia, Y. “Palladium Concave Nanocubes with High-Index Facets and Their Enhanced Catalytic Properties”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 7850-7854.
5.Jin, M.; Liu, H.; Zhang, H.; Xie, Z.; and Xia, Y. “Synthesis of Pd Nanocrystals Enclosed by {100} Facets and with Sizes <10 nm for Application in CO Oxidation”, Nano Res. 2011, 4, 83-91.
6.Zhang, H.; Jin, M.(共同第一作者); Wang, J.; Li, W.; Camargo, H.; Kim, M.; Yang, D.; Xie, Z.; and Xia, Y. “Synthesis of Pd-Pt Bimetallic Nanocrystals with a Concave Structure through a Bromide-Induced Galvanic Replacement Reaction”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 6078-6089.
7.Zhang, H.; Jin, M. (共同第一作者); Liu, H.; Wang, J.; Kim, M.; Yang, D.; Xie, Z.; Liu, J.; and Xia, Y. “Facile Synthesis of Pd-Pt Alloy Nanocages and Their Enhanced Performance for Preferential Oxidation of CO in Excess Hydrogen”, ACS Nano 2011, 5, 8212-8222.
8.Zhou, C.; Jiang, X.; Yang, L.;* Yin Y. and Jin, M.* “Low-temperature carbon monoxide oxidation with Au-Cu meatball-like cages prepared by galvanic replacement”, ChemSusChem 2013, 6, 1883-1887.
9.Zhang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Yin, Y.* and Jin, M.* “Monitoring the Shape Evolution of Pd Nanocube to Octahedron by PdS Frame Marker” Nanoscale 2014, 6, 3518-3521.
10.Zhao, W.; Yang, L.; Yin, Y. and Jin, M.* “Thermodynamic Controlled Synthesis of Intermetallic Au3Cu Alloy Nanocrystals from Cu Micro-particles”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2, 902 – 906.
专利: 1.Xie, Z.; Jin, M.; Xu, T.; Jiang, Z.; Zheng, L. S. “A General filter for the separation of micro-/nanoparticles.” Chinese Patent, Appl. No. 200610135262.4
2.Jin, M.; Xia, Y. “Method of forming copper nanostructures with alkylamines as capping agents.” U. S. Patent, pending. |