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1. Nano Lett. 2014, 14, 6731-6736.
Ligand-exchange assisted formation of Au/TiO2 Schottky contact for visible-light photocatalysis
D. Ding, K. Liu, S. He, C. Gao*, Y. Yin*,
2. Small. 2014, in press.
Silver modified nanosized ferroelectrics as a novel photocatalyst
R. Su, Y. Shen,L. Li, D. Zhang, G. Yang, C. Gao, Y. Yang*
3. ACS Nano. 2014, 8, 7297-7304.T.
Unconventional route to encapsulated ultra-small gold nanoparticles for high-temperature catalysis
Zhang, H. Zhao, S. He, K. Liu, H. Liu*, Y. Yin*, C. Gao*
4. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 7474-7479.
Fully alloyed Ag/Au nanospheres: Combining the plasmonic property of Ag with the stability of Au
C. Gao,* Y. Hu, M. Wang, M. Chi, Y. Yin*
5. Nano Lett. 2013, 13 (12), 6262–6268.
“Synthesis of Rhodium Concave Tetrahedrons by Collectively Manipulating the Reduction Kinetics, Facet-Selective Capping, and Surface Diffusion”
Xie, S.; Zhang, H.; Lu, N., Jin, M.; Wang, J.; Kim, M.; Xie, Z. and Xia, Y.*
6. ChemSusChem. 2013, 6, 1883-1887.
“Low-temperature carbon monoxide oxidation with Au-Cu meatball-like cages prepared by galvanic replacement”
Zhou, C.; Jiang, X.; Yang, L.;* Yin Y. and Jin, M.*
7. Accounts of Chemical Research. 2013, 46(8), 1783–1794 .
"Shape-controlled synthesis of Pd nanocrystals and their catalytic applications"
Zhang, H.; Jin, M.; Xiong, Y.; Lim, B. and Xia, Y.
8. Chemical Society Reviews. 2012, 41, 8035-8049.
"Enhancing the catalytic and electrocatalytic properties of Pt-based catalysts by forming bimetallic nanocrystals with Pd"
Zhang H.; Jin, M. and Xia, Y.
9. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 7656-7673. (Inside front cover)
“Noble-Metal Nanocrystals with Concave Surfaces and Their Applications”

Zhang, H.; Jin, M.; and Xia, Y.

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