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24. Acta Materialia, 125, 177,2017 (IF, 5.058)

Jinghui Gao, Xinghao Hu, Yan Wang, Yongbin Liu, Lixue Zhang, Xiaoqin Ke, Lisheng Zhong, Hui Zhao, Xiaobing Ren

Understanding the mechanism of large dielectric response in Pb-free (1-x)Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-x(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 ferroelectric ceramics


23. International Journal of Plasticity, 2016 (In Press), (IF, 5.623)

Jiaming Zhu, Honghui Wu, Dong Wang, Yipeng Gao, Haoliang Wang, Yulin Hao, Rui Yang, Tong-Yi Zhang, Yunzhi Wang

Crystallographic analysis and phase field simulation of transformation plasticity in a multifunctional β-Ti alloy

22. NPG Asia Materials, 8, e319, 2016 (IF, 8.772)

J Zhang, Y Mao, D Wang, J Li, Y Wang

Accelerating ferroic ageing dynamics upon cooling

21. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 661,100, 2016 (IF, 3.014)

D Wang, D Lv, Y Gao, Y Wang, X Ren, Y Wang

Defect strength and strain glass state in ferroelastic systems

20. Physical Review B, 92, 241114(R), 2016 (IF, 3.718)

Y Ji, X Ding, D Wang, K Otsuka, and X Ren

Glass-ferroic composite caused by the crystallization of ferroic glass

19. Applied Physics Letters, 108, 012904, 2016 (IF, 3.142)

X Ke, D Wang, Y Wang

Origin of ultrahigh piezoelectric activity of [001]-oriented ferroelectric single crystals at the morphotropic phase boundary

18. Europhysics Letters, 115 37001,2016 (IF,1.963)

Jinghui Gao, Ye Dai, Xinghao Hu, Xiaoqin Ke, Lisheng Zhong, Shengtao Li, Lixue Zhang, Yu Wang, Dong Wang, Yan Wang, Yongbin Liu, Hu Xiao and Xiaobing Ren

Phase transition behaviours near the triple point for Pb-free (1−x)Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-x(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 piezoceramics

17. Scientific Reports, 6,33392,2016 (IF, 5.228)
Tao Yang, Xiaoqin Ke & Yunzhi Wang

Mechanisms Responsible for the Large Piezoelectricity at the Tetragonal-Orthorhombic Phase Boundary of (1-x)BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3-xBa0.7Ca0.3TiO3 System


16. Acta Materialia, 94, 172, 2015 (IF, 5.058)

L Nguyen, D Wang, Y Wang, M D Graef

Quantifying the abnormal strain state in ferroelastic materials: A moment invariant approach

15. Scientific Reports, 5, 11477, 2015 (IF, 5.228)

L Zhang, D Wang, X Ren, Y Wang

A new mechanism for low and temperature-independent elastic modulus

14. Physical review letters, 114, 055701, 2015 (IF, 7.645)

Y Ji, D Wang, X Ding, K Otsuka, X Ren

Origin of an Isothermal R-Martensite Formation in Ni-rich Ti-Ni Solid Solution: Crystallization of Strain Glass


13. Acta Materialia, 66, 349–359, 2014 (IF, 3.940)

Dong Wang, Sen Hou, Yu Wang, Xiangdong Ding, Shuai Ren, Xiaobing Ren, Yunzhi Wang

Superelasticity of slim hysteresis over a wide temperature range by nanodomains of martensite

12. Acta Materialia, 65,270–286, 2014 (IF, 3.940)

N. Zhou, D.C. Lv, H.L. Zhang, D. McAllister, F. Zhang, M.J. Mills, Y. Wang

Computer simulation of phase transformation and plastic deformation in IN718 superalloy: Microstructural evolution during precipitation

11. Acta Materialia, 68, 93–105, 2014 (IF, 3.940)

Y. Gao, N. Zhou, D. Wang, Y. Wang

Pattern formation during cubic to orthorhombic martensitic transformations in shape memory alloys

10. Acta Materialia, 76, 463–471, 2014 (IF, 3.940)

X.Q. Ke, J.E. Morral, Y. Wang

Fundamentals of Interdiffusion Microstructure Maps for Dual-Alloy Systems

9. Physical Review B, 89, 184107, 2014 (IF, 3.664)

Hualei Zhang, Xiaoqing Li, Stephan Sch¨onecker, Henrik Jesperson, B¨orje Johansson, and Levente Vitos

Anomalous elastic hardening in Fe-Co alloys at high temperature


8. Scientific Reports, 3, 2156,2013 (IF, 5.078)

Jia-Peng Liu, Yan-Dong Wang, Yu-Lin Hao, Yunzhi Wang, Zhi-Hua Nie, Dong Wang, Yang Ren, Zhao-Ping Lu, Jinguo Wang, Haoliang Wang, Xidong Hui, Ning Lu, Moon J. Kim and Rui Yang

New Intrinsic Mechanism on Gum-Like Superelasticity of Multifunctional Alloys

7. Acta Materialia, 61, 2339–2347, 2013 (IF, 3.940)

X.Q. Ke, J.E. Morral, Y. Wang

Type n boundaries in n-component diffusion couples

6. Physical Review B, 88, 214105, 2013 (IF, 3.664)

X. Q. Ke, D. Wang, X. Ren, and Y. Wang

Formation of monoclinic nanodomains at the morphotropic phase boundary of ferroelectric systems

5. Applied Physics Letters, 102, 222907, 2013 (IF, 3.515)

Zhimin Sun, Dezhen Xue, Haijun Wu, Yuanchao Ji, Xiangdong Ding, Dong Wang, Yaodong Yang and Xiaobing Ren

Time-dependent ferroelectric transition in Pb(1-x)(Zr0.4Ti0.6)((1-x/4))O-3-xLa system


4. Nano Letters, 12, 2289, 2012 (IF, 12.940)

ZhaoWang, W.M.Mook, Ch.Niederberger, R.Ghisleni, L.Philippe, and J.Michler

Compression of nanowires using a flat indenter: Diametrical elasticity measurement

3. Physical Review B, 86, 054120, 2012 (IF, 3.664)

Dong Wang, Xiaoqin Ke, Yunzhi Wang, Jinghui Gao, Yu Wang, Lixue Zhang, Sen Yang, and Xiaobing Ren

Phase diagram of polar states in doped ferroelectric systems

2. Physical Review B, 85, 054107, 2012 (IF, 3.664)

Hualei Zhang, Marko P. J. Punkkinen, Börje Johansson, Levente Vitos

Elastic parameters of paramagnetic iron-based alloys from first-principles calculations


1. Physical Review Letters, 105, 205702, 2010 (IF, 7.728)

D. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Zhang and X. Ren

Modeling Abnormal Strain States in Ferroelastic Systems: the Role of Point Defects

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