讲座题目:New Quantum Molecular Spintronics:
Quantun Computer and High Density Memory Device
讲 座 人: Professor Masahiro Yamashita
Tohoku University, Japan
地 点:西二楼A102,曲江校区
时 间:2019年9月5日(星期四),上午10:00
Masahiro Yamashita (山下正广),英国皇家化学学会院士、日本东北大学教授,兼任英国皇家化学会Dalton Transactions副主编、美国化学会无机化学专业顾问委员会成员、日本学术振兴会会员等职。日本井上科学基金会奖、日本化学学会创新工作奖、日本配位化学学会奖获得者。研究专长为新型金属配合物的纳米科学。已出版学术专著5部,在Nature, J. Am. Chem. Soc.等刊物发表研究论文300余篇,他引次数达5000多次。
As for Quantum Computer, the life times of coherence or superposition of 0> and 1> are very importance. In order to realize such systems, we have synthesized V(IV) TPP and its derivatives. Then, we have get the best data for the coherent time in V(IV) complex with N4-macrocyclic ligands.
As for the high density memory device, we have succeeded in performing the single-molecule memory devices, SMMs encapsulated into SWCNT, Photo-switchable SMMs, and metallic conducting SMMs with the negative magnetoresistance.