鲁广昊 1981年生于江苏省沛县 地址:陕西省西安市,雁塔区雁翔路99号 交通大学曲江校区西一楼,前沿科学技术研究院 邮编:710054 邮箱: guanghao.lu[at]mail.xjtu.edu.cn 课题组主页:http://gr.xjtu.edu.cn/web/guanghaolu/home 教育背景:
2004-2010,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,博士 ;
2014- ,西安交通大学前沿科学技术研究院多学科材料研究中心,博导,教授;
2012,美国斯坦福大学,访问学者; 2010-2012,德国洪堡大学/波茨坦大学,洪堡学者。
洪堡奖学金 (2010-2012年);
代表性论文 5. Lu, Guanghao*; Jiayue Chen, Wentao Xu, Sijun Li and Xiaoniu Yang*. Aligned Polythiophene and its Blend Film by Direct‐Writing for Anisotropic Charge Transport. Advanced Functional Materials 2014,24, 4959–4968. 4. Lu, Guanghao*; Laju Bu, Sijun Li and Xiaoniu Yang*. Bulk Interpenetration Network of Thermoelectric Polymer in Insulating Supporting Matrix. Advanced Materials 2014, 26, 2359–2364. (Inside Cover) 3. Lu, Guanghao; Blakesley, James; Himmelberger, Scott, Pingel Patrick Frisch, Johannes; Lieberwirth Ingo; Salzmann, Ingo; Oehzelt, Martin; Di Pietro, Riccardo, Salleo, Alberto; Koch, Norbert* and Neher Dieter*. Moderate Doping Leads to High Performance of Semiconductor/Insulator Polymer Blend Transistors. Nature Communications 2013, 4: 1588. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2587 2. Lu, Guanghao; Tang, Haowei; Huan, Yan; Li, Sijun; Li, Ligui; Wang, Yuzhen; Yang, Xiaoniu*. Enhanced Charge Transportation in Semiconducting-polymer/ Insulating-polymer Composite: the Role of Interpenetrating Bulk Interface. Advanced Functional Materials 2010, 20, 1714–1720. 1. Lu, Guanghao; Li, Ligui; Yang, Xiaoniu,* Achieving Perpendicular Alignment of Rigid Polythiophene Backbones to the Substrate by Using Solvent Vapor Treatment. Advanced Materials 2007, 19, 3594–3598. 著作章节 Lu, Guanghao; Yang, Xiaoniu "Enhanced electrical conductivity of polythiophene/insulating polymer composite and its morphological requirement" in Semiconductor Polymer Composites, Eds. Yang, Xiaoniu et al. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2012. 代表性专利 杨小牛;鲁广昊;唐浩为;李俊,温度可控溶剂蒸气压梯度仪。申请号:200910067478.5。 Google scholar:http://scholar.gfsstp.com/citations?user=CX8I67MAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&