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Prof. Ingo Steinbach's Talk Information

Source:      Date:2011-06-21     Click:

Time: 15:30, 6/22/2011


Place: A306, 1 West Building


Speaker: Prof. Ingo Steinbach

              Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany


Title of Talk: Beyond the diffusion limit of microstructure evolution models

Talk Abstract:

Microstructure evolution in materials is governed by the interplay between interfacial properties like surface tension and its anisotropy on the one hand and long range transport of solute and heat on the other hand. The theoretical explanation of mode selection and kinetics of eutectic and dendritic solidification in the diffusional limit is one of the mayor achievements in this area during the last century. In reality, however, non diffusional transport caused by melt flow during solidification and long range stress interaction in solid state transformations spoils the applicability of these models. In order to overcome the limitations of the theoretical models numerical simulations can be applied to include different modes of transport. In the talk phase-field simulations of eutectoid transformation in solid state and dendritic growth with solutal buoyancy will be presented which open the view beyond the diffusional limit of microstructure evolution models. 

Research Interests:

Microstructure Evolution in materials
Phase-field theory

Numerical methods for multi-physics transport and moving boundary problems

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