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[Frontier Seminar] Dr. Ed Gerstner's Talk Information

Source:      Date:2015-12-17     Click:

Title: Nature, Open Access, and You

Time: 10:30am, 12/17/2015

Place: International Exhibition Center, Qujiang Campus, XJTU

Speaker: Dr. Ed Gerstner

              Head of Open Research, Greater China

              Executive Editor, Greater China, Nature Publishing Group


Introduction of Speaker:
Ed is a passionate advocate for science and for open research. He obtained a PhD in physics from the University of Sydney in 1997, and subsequently spent five years in research at the Universities of Sydney, Cambridge and Surrey. He joined Nature Publishing Group in 2002 and has been an editor for Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Physics, and NatureCommunications. In 2012 he moved to Shanghai to help launch NPG's first editorial office in mainland China. He leads NPG's efforts in Greater China to promote the benefits of open access, open data and open research in the region, and to forge closer links between NPG and the Chinese research community. And to help Chinese scientists publish their best research in Nature journals.


Talk Abstract:
The Open Access movement began with the belief that the fruits of research should be available to all. Its aspirations have now grown, with calls on scientists to open up all aspects of their research. Premier Li Keqiang recently declared that, “Open access to scientific knowledge and the nurturing of next generation researchers are what are needed nowadays and fit well with our future direction.” In this talk I will cover some of the recent developments in open access publishing and the global trend towards making science more open. I'll discuss some of the some of the things that motivate researchers to publish their work open access — from the altruistic to the selfish. I'll describe some of the things we at Nature Publishing Group are doing to help scientists distribute their papers — and even their data — to the widest audience possible. And finally, I'll try to provide some insight into the sorts of things that we look for in the papers we publish, and advice on how to improve the chances of getting your research published in a Naturejournal.

Address: 99 Yanxiang Road, Xi 'an, Shaanxi province, Qujiang Campus, Xi 'an Jiaotong University

Zip code: 710054

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